Beshalach 2019: No Body Left Behind
Parshas Beshalach 2019 No Body Left Behind As the B’nai Yisroel (Jewish people) prepared themselves and their belongings to finally leave the exile of Egypt, we find in the very first aliyah Moshe preoccupied with something else. At the end of Sefer Bereishis, Yaakov Avinu (Jacob) asked his sons swear to him by oath that they would bury him in Eretz Yisroel (Israel) rather in the land of Egypt. He had many reasons for this. A couple of those reasons included, he didn’t want the Egyptians to make a shrine out of his burial place and he didn’t want to be affected by any of the upcoming plagues. Yaakov also knew that when the final redemption came with the Messiah himself, He didn’t want to go through the pain of traveling back to Israel from Egypt. Yakov’s sons obliged with love and buried him in the Maaras HaMachpelah (cave of doubles). According to Rashi, when it was time for Yosef (Joseph) to die he too didn’t want to be buried in Egypt. Yet he wasn't able to ask his...