Parshas Ki Savo
Hi everyone, I hope this helps you go into your Shabbos more prepared and I hope you learn something new! This week’s Parsha is called Parshas Ki Savo (KEY-SUH-VO). Parshas Ki Savo begins or continues with Moses speaking to the B’nai Yisroel (Jewish people.) Moses at this point is teaching the Jewish people about the Mitzvah of giving the first fruits of the harvest to a Kohen (priest) and he brings it as an offering to Hashem. The reason for this is because we are thanking Hashem for the wonderful ground that he gave us. Nowadays, because there is no Bais HaMikdash (Holy Temple) and no Mizbayach (altar for offerings to Hashem) inside we are not able to perform this Mitzvah. The Mitzvah of giving the first fruits to a Kohen is called Bekorim (BE-KU-RIM). When a Jew gives his first fruits to the Kohen it symbolizes that he dedicates everything he has to the service of Hashem. Hashem specified it should be our first fruits that go to the Kohanim (priests) because Hashem knew that tho...