Parshas Va'eira
This week’s Parshas is called, Parshas Va’eira . In this week’s Parsha by Hashem’s word Moses and Ahron go before the pharaoh again, Pharaoh and told him that G-d had spoken with them and wanted the Jewish people to be set free. Pharoah responded “provide a wonder for yourselves” (to prove yourselves worthy). So like Hashem commanded, Ahron threw his staff down and it became a snake. When the pharaoh saw this he summoned his magicians and had them turn their staffs into snakes just like Ahron did. Then Ahron’s staff swallowed all the other staffs. Hashem told Moses and Ahron to strike the Nilas (Nile River) and it will turn to blood. So Ahron took his staff and hit the water and it became blood and for seven straight days no water was to be found in all of Egypt. When Pharaoh realized his situation he told Moses that he would free the Jews as soon as he stopped the plague, and when Moses stopped the plague the Pharaoh changed his mind. Hashem then told them to strike the river aga...