Parshas Mishpatim

This week’s Parsha is called, Parshas Mishpatim. The translation of the word “Mishpatim” means ordinances or laws. This title is very appropriate for this week’s Parsha because there are fifty three mitzvos (commandments) taught, twenty three positive and thirty negative. We will only be discussing a few of them. In this week’s Parsha we learn about the mitzvah of keeping Kosher. Kosher is a “category” for food that doesn’t contain Basar V’chaluv (meat and milk) that were mixed together. We learn that a Jewish person cannot eat milk and meat together, cook milk and meat together, and benefit from food that has milk and meat mixed. But the Halachos (laws) of Kashrus (keeping Kosher) go beyond just mixing milk and meat and today we have trustworthy Rabbanim (Rabbis) who watch how the food in many institutions are prepared/cooked/packaged to ensure the Yiddin (Jews) are protected from eating these foods that are harmful to the neshama (soul) of a Jew. If the Rabbi sees that the food prod...