Parshas Pekudei
This week’s Parsha is called, Parshas Pekudei. After assembling the parts of the Mishkan (tabernacle) the Moshe (Moses) is commanded to construct the Mishkan. There were many parts of the Mishkan. Such as, curtains, planks, partitions, screens, hooks, sockets, foundation blocks, etc. When the base of the Mishkan was set up, there were, as the passuk says, “a hundred sockets for a hundred talents, a talent per socket…” Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Alter zt”l, (or the Chiddushei HaRim,) makes a comparison between the one hundred sockets and the one hundred B’rachos (blessings) that we are required to recite every day (did you realize we are supposed to make 100 blessings everyday?). He says just like their are one hundred sockets needed as the foundation of the Mishkan there are also one hundred B’rachos needed to be recited for the foundation of one’s soul. Later in the Parsha Hashem commands Moshe to anoint the children of Ahron as Kohanim (priests). When Hashem instructed Moshe He didn’t j...