Parshas Shemini
This week’s Parsha is called Parshas Shemini. The two oldest sons of Ahron, Nadav and Avihu decided to bring a Korban to Hashem in the Kodesh HaKadoshim (Holy of Holies) where only the Kohain Gadol (High Priest) can go once a year (on Yom Kippur). Hashem was very angry at them for bringing a fire that wasn’t requested. When they brought this “alien” Korban Hashem took the fire they used and consumed them in the fire. As the passuk says, “a fire came forth …. and consumed them.” Hashem punished Nadav and Avihu in such a severe manner because they were on an exalted level and great people are judged for every minute detail of every action. After their tragic death, the passuk informs us that Ahron was “silent”. Hashem blessed Ahron for not k’vetching (complaining). Ahron was rewarded by having the next segment of this week’s Parsha addressed to him. This segment is the commandment for Ahron to not drink intoxicating wine. Rabbi Bunam (of P’shis’cha) elucidates on that segment in...