Parshas Matos and Masei 2015
Parshas Matos and Masei 2015 Avigdor Laib (Maverick) Peters Hashem takes care of us. Throughout history, our people have been saved time and time again from all sorts of gruesome trials and tribulations. Hashem has foiled the plans of every one of our enemies and will continue to do so. He is always working “behind the scenes” as there are always people who are plotting to destroy us. While, we are often oblivious to it, Hashem intervenes and protects His people. When any painful or unpleasant experiences arise, be it on a personal level or for the entire nation, Hashem still blankets us with His protection. From time to time, (sometimes even quite often) Hashem needs to present us with uncomfortable and challenging situations. We should not look at these situations in the negative and become angry and frustrated and give up hope as though all is lost. We must understand that these “problems” help us grow and are orchestrated by the Mastermind Hims...