Vayechi 2017: The Blessing in Yaakov’s Death
Parshas Vayechi 2017 The Blessing in Yaakov’s Death This week’s parsha relays the events that transpired during the passing of our forefather Yaakov (Jacob). Yaakov prior to his death gave each of his sons a special blessing which would provide a foreshadowing of their makeup as a Tribe in the Nation. Only after he concluded bestowing each blessing did Yaakov pass. The Torah memorializes, “When Yaakov finished instructing his sons, he drew his feet onto the bed; he expired and was gathered to his people.” ( Genesis 49:33) The gemora (Talmud) in tractate Taanis (5b) says , “Our father Yaakov did not die.” Interestingly, there is an opinion in the gemora that understands Yaakov’s “death” to be more figurative than literal. Which is peculiar, for the Torah does mention how Yaakov was mourned for, embalme...