
Showing posts from January, 2018

Va'eira 2018: Understanding A Person’s Psyche

PARSHAS VA'EIRA 2018 Understanding A Person’s Psyche We find our parsha beginning with Hashem reassuring Moshe that he will succeed in his mission and that he is indeed the man for the job. Moshe felt he was inadequate, for the Pharaoh as well as his own people disregarded what he was transmitting from Hashem . As the passuk says, “Moshe spoke accordingly to the Children of Israel; but they did not heed Moshe, because of shortness of breath and hard work. (Shemos 6:9) How can it be that a nation enslaved for 210 years wouldn’t even bother hearing what Moshe had to say about their Promised Land? Didn’t they want that more than anything? The answer is of course they did! Until now, Moshe had been telling them all about how Hashem was going to bring them to the “Promised Land” .... but they were suffering. It did, indeed sound nice to them, but the only thing on their minds was the slavery and their current oppression. We have an entire section of Halacha ...

Shemos 2018: The Unassuming Leader

Parshas Shemos The Unassuming Leader Moshe Rabbeinu would have been a very unlikely pick for a leader of over 600,000 people. Moshe was a man who was exiled from his land with no family and no home. It seemed he would be living as a fugitive his whole life in the desert of Midian . Yet, Hashem picked him to redeem the nation. As it says, “So now come, and I will send you to Pharaoh, and take My people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt." (Shemos 3: 10) Why? What was so special about Moshe ?  To answer this, we need to understand what it takes to be a leader then, we can appreciate why Moshe was perfect for the job. Traditionally, a (great) leader is an individual who inspires others to move in the same direction for a specific cause. He is highly principled and committed and he inspires others in a way that is pervasive. Naturally, others tend to have confidence in him and believe in him. In a time of crisis, he will to step up and face the c...