Tetzaveh 2018: Level Up!
Parshas Tetzaveh 2018 Level Up! Video games don't always come with instructions on how to win. Maybe a little booklet on how to set up your game or troubleshoot it but never on how to actually win. If you want to you might be able to find a “cheat-book” online or at the library. Generally, you have to figure it out on your own. Life, you could say is like this too. We were put here to accomplish and grow, to advance from one level to the next. We have to avoid hazards and overcome obstacles. However, we only have one life and we can't afford to blow it! The kohanim (priests) were instructed to have their garments made for use in the mishkan (tabernacle) and then later in the Beis HaMikdash (temple). These were very special garments of particular materials and designs. Hashem had Moshe speak to and instruct the artisans himself. This was because, as the Ramban (Nachmanadies) points out, only Moshe...