Pesach 2018: Ridding Ourselves of Chametz
Pesach 2018 R idding Ourselves of Chametz The laws of Pesach (Passover) are more stringent than all the other holidays. Pesach has mitzvos (Torah commandments) not just on the holiday, but before and afterwards as well. Getting rid of the chametz (goods containing leaven) is one of these mitzvos . As it says, “ Matzos shall be eaten throughout the seven day period; no chametz may be seen in your possession…. ” ( Shemos 13:7) “ Pesach Cleaning”, not to be confused with “Spring Cleaning” can also be very tedious in preparation for Pesach . One is required to clean every space in his home where food may have gone to make sure that no chametz can be found in his possession on Pesach . Once the house is cleaned, any remaining products containing leaven are burned and/or sold (to a non-Jew) for the course of the holiday and then returned afterwards. Thereby ensuring a chametz- free environment. Pre- Pesach amidst the Jewish community can be quite hectic. As we know, cl...