Kedoshim 2018: Transcendence
Parshas Kedoshim 2018 Transcendence Joe is a shomer - shabbos and shomer - mitzvos Jewish man. He actually takes great pride in his observance of the Torah . He keeps the highest degree of kosher , studies Torah , and keeps the Shabbos . Not only that but when he eats, he’s sure to make a brocha (blessing) over each food, and even bentch (recite Grace After Meals) afterward. Everything Joe does, is in accordance with the Torah . Or is it? There’s something else you should know about Joe. Aside from being orthodox, Joe has an eating and drinking problem. See, Joe is vastly overweight mainly because what he sees, he eats. Joe will sit down to eat lunch and have a 24 oz steak, with hamburgers, fries, a salad, onion rings, soup, and pasta. After he’ll have a chocolate cake and a tub of ice cream. Oh, and to wash it all down he’ll polish off a bottle of soda and of course several glasses of wine. However gross and gluttonous his eating routine may seem, he stil...