Va'eschanan 2018: The Teacher Within Us
Parshas Va’eschanan 2018 The Teacher Within Us If you had to guess; what is THE MOST well known passage in all of Judaism? A pretty fair bet is The Shema : “Shema Yisrael Hashem Elokeinu Hashem Echad” (Deuteronomy 6:4) . The Shema is the foundation of the Jew and a fundamental prayer in the our everyday lives. We are actually supposed to recite the shema multiple times a day; during Birchas HaShachar at the very beginning of Shacharis (morning services), again during Shacharis right before starting the Shemoneh Esrei (silent Amidah ), during Maariv (evening services), and then again at night right before we go to sleep. The shema consists of three paragraphs. Many commandments are referenced there each particularly important as they maintain our relationship with Hashem . For example, within the shema is the mitzvah to place and wrap tefillin upon one’s arm and head and to post mezuzahs upon each doorway. The tefillin on the arm sits next to the heart...