
Showing posts from November, 2018

Vayeishev 2018: Yosef - “Man of The Year”

Parshas Vayeishev 2018 Yosef - “Man of The Year” Obtain balance in life. This is the healthiest style of living a person can forge for him/herself. In Judaism we emphasize the importance of growing closer to Hashem . The Torah writes, “And he was (like) a boy.” (Genesis 37:2). This passuk is talking about Yosef (Josef) the oldest son to Rochel and Yaakov . Rashi comments, “He used to do juvenile/childish things, like arranging his hair and fixing his eyes to look beautiful.” Yosef spent his spare time beautifying himself. What is the Torah telling us and what is Rashi’s comment all about? Yosef was the son of the very beautiful Rachel Imeinu (Rachel our mother) and himself was very handsome. This led to probably the biggest struggle Yosef had to face. We will soon learn in the upcoming parsha that Yosef was actually faced with a nisayon (Heavenly ordained test) so grandiose that he was forever titled “ Yosef HaTzadik” (“ Yosef the Righteous”) for overcom...

Vayishlach 2018: The Wrestler's Parsha

Parshas Vayishlach 2018 The Wrestler's Parsha* Yaakov Avinu (Jacob) last saw Eisav (Esau) thirty four years ago and had to run away from his brother and his rage, after “stealing” the first and more significant blessing from their father Yitzchak (Isaac) on his deathbed. In fear of his life, Yaakov had to flee. Eisav (Esau) was now approaching with four hundred men and a goal of annihilation. The encounter with Eisav was inevitable. Yaakov prepared in three ways. He prayed, sent gifts to his brother, and prepared for possible confrontation. Yaakov sent his family ahead as he had forgotten some small vessels and went back to retrieve them. On his way to meet them, the passuk (verse) says, “Yaakov was left alone and a man wrestled with him until the break of dawn.” (Genesis 32:35) The Rabbis explained, this man Yaakov wrestled with was actually the sar shel Eisav (angel of Eisav) himself, disguised as a man. Every nation has a heavenly angel representin...

Vayeitzei 2018: Nothing Left To Ask

Parshas Vayeitzei 2018 Nothing Left To Ask Yaakov Avinu (Jacob) traveled from Beer-Sheva to Haran . Enroute, he spent the night on Mount Moriah . As he drifted off into slumber, Yaakov dreamt of a ladder reaching from his head to heaven with angels ascending and descending it’s rungs. Hashem came to Yaakov . He taught him of the holiness of the ground for which he lay; the future sight of the Beis Hamikdash (Holy Temple). Hashem also reiterated His promise from Avraham and Yitzchak , to Yaakov . He promised Yaakov that he would have many offspring. Hashem assured Yaakov that He would always be with him. Yaakov awoke in the morning and with a clear, palpable feeling of Hashem’s presence he made a vow. “If G-d is with me… then this stone which I have set up as a pillar shall become a house of G-d...” (Genesis 28:20) The Medrish Tanchuma teaches in the name of Rabbi Berachia , “ Whatever Yaakov asked of Hashem, He gave him . As a matter of fact, we can see th...