Vayeishev 2018: Yosef - “Man of The Year”
Parshas Vayeishev 2018 Yosef - “Man of The Year” Obtain balance in life. This is the healthiest style of living a person can forge for him/herself. In Judaism we emphasize the importance of growing closer to Hashem . The Torah writes, “And he was (like) a boy.” (Genesis 37:2). This passuk is talking about Yosef (Josef) the oldest son to Rochel and Yaakov . Rashi comments, “He used to do juvenile/childish things, like arranging his hair and fixing his eyes to look beautiful.” Yosef spent his spare time beautifying himself. What is the Torah telling us and what is Rashi’s comment all about? Yosef was the son of the very beautiful Rachel Imeinu (Rachel our mother) and himself was very handsome. This led to probably the biggest struggle Yosef had to face. We will soon learn in the upcoming parsha that Yosef was actually faced with a nisayon (Heavenly ordained test) so grandiose that he was forever titled “ Yosef HaTzadik” (“ Yosef the Righteous”) for overcom...