Parshas Balak

I was afraid that you would go into your Shabbos without know this week's Parsha. So I made you this. I hope you learn something new.

This week's Parshah (Torah portion) is called Balak (BA- LAAK.) Balak is actually a name of a person in this week's Parshah. Balak was a king of the Moavite nation at the time. A messenger from the camp came to Balak and told him that everyone was scarred that the Jewish people will come to attack them. Balak called a magician by the name of Bilam (BILL-UM.) Bilam was happy to curse the Jews for him. Bilam is called in Hebrew a rasha (RU-SHUH) a wicked person. Bilam And King Balak were traveling to curse the Jews when an angel appeared before them and only Bilam's donkey was able to see it. Out of pure fear the donkey stopped in front of the angel who was holding a spear. Bilam didn't see the angel and began hitting his donkey to start moving again. A nais (NAY-SS) miracle happened and his donkey began to speak to him saying, "WHY DID YOU HIT ME?" The donkey complained. Suddenly Bilam saw the angel. And the angel told Bilam not to curse the B'nai Yisroel (Children of Israel a.k.a. the Jewish people.) But Bilam didn't care he was going to curse them anyway and they kept on going. The Balak said to Bilam, "Look over there, see the Jewish people! Now go curse them!" Because Bilam didn't listen to the angel of Hashem (G-d) he was punished and this is how. Bilam started to curse the Jewish people but instead Hashem (G-d) changed around Bilam's word to bless them instead of cursing them. Bilam kept trying and trying but everything he said was a B'racha (BI-RU-CHA) a blessing for them. Here are some of the B'rachas Bilam said, "The B'nai Yisroel are the sons of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob! All they do are Mitzvahs (good deeds)! After they die Hashem will take the to Gan Eden (the world to come)!" He also said, "Hashem is B'nai Yisroel's friend! And they will win over their enemies!" Balak was furious he had summoned Bilam to curse his enemy not help them.

We can all see from the story of Balak and Bilam that Hashem is always helping us (the Jewish people) and guiding us even in the worst of all cases He's always there for us even if we can't see Him.

We should all constantly remember that there is a G-d and that he is protecting us! -Amen.

Have a great Shabbos and week-end!

P. S. Next week's Parsha is called, Pinchas (PINN-CHAS). Stay tuned.
