Parshas Noach

Hi everyone, I hope this helps you go into your Shabbos more prepared and I hope you learn something new! This week’s Parsha is Parshas Noach (Noah.)

The first passuk in this week’s Pasha says, “These are the offspring of Noah - Noah was a righteous man, perfect in his generations...” There is a very obvious question that needs to be asked here, the question is, why does the passuk start off by saying “These are the offspring of Noah…” and immediately say, “Noah was a righteous man...”? And not only does it NOT answer the question right then and there, but rather it answers the question after the passuk finishes describing how big of a tzadik (righteous man), he was?

I saw a wonderful answer in the Artscroll’s Chumash commentary, that said the reason why the passuk did not go on to name Noah's children is because there is a medrish that says that a tzadik’s (righteous person’s) essential or primary “children” are his character traits and good deeds. In other words, the good deeds that a person does are his primary legacy. Now we can understand why the passuk started to name Noah’s children and instead told us that he was a righteous man - because his legacy was one of good deeds.

May we all merit to be great in good deeds like Noach was! - Amen!


Stay tuned for next week’s Parsha called,
Parshas Lech L’chah (LE-CH LI-CHUH)!
