Parshas Kedoshim
There is a passuk (passage) in this week’s Parsha that says, “V’Lifnai Aiver Lo Sitain Mich’shol” which is translated into, “And you shall not place a stumbling block before the blind.” The simple p’shat (understanding) to this passuk is “do not harm the blind in any manner” which means if he is blind in vision or in understanding. According to Rashi, one should be careful not to give harmful advise (to a fellow Jew). Another Mitzvah this week is “V‘ohavtah L‘reiachoh Komocha“. Hashem, in His incredible love for each and every Yid (Jew) made a mitzvah in His Torah to love each and every Jew like one loves himself. This is called, “V‘ohavtah L‘reiachoh Komocha“. This mitzvah applies to every Jew. Rabbi Mordechai Katz asks, Is this advice practical? Can one love his neighbor like himself or is that too much to expect from man? He answers indeed, one can and should reach such a level even if it means going through a step-by-step process. This mitzvah is very precious and important. The...