Parshas Metzora

Last week we learned about the simple version of tzaraas that comes as a skin blemish mainly for speaking Lashon Hara. This week we are going to expound on the affliction of tzaraas and its impact on the B’nai Yisroel (Jews).

Midway into the Parsha there is a passuk (passage) that says “And I (Hashem) will place a tzaraas affliction upon a house…”

If the tzaraas spreads onto one’s house one should do like he would if he himself were afflicted. He should go to a Kohain for confirmation. Once confirmed, the Kohain would quarantine his house. If one’s house was afflicted with tzaraas this meant that Lashon Hara had become the way of the entire family.

There were 3 avairos that were deserving of tzaraas; 1) haughtiness, 2) evil gossip, 3) an envious eye. The Kli Yakar (Rabbi Shlomo Ephraim ben Ahron) tells us that just like there are 3 sins that caused tzaraas, there are three remedies. 1) He must shave off all of the hair on his head because he wanted to be at the head. 2) He must shave off his beard because he had failed to guard his mouth which is surrounded by his beard. 3) He must shave off his eyebrows because he didn’t keep his eye from jealousy.

In addition, there is a story about a Rabbi named Rabbi Yannai that expresses the importance to us – that every single Jew should be careful not to speak Lashon Hara. Rabbi Yannai and a companion once saw a peddler calling out, “Who wants to buy life! Who wants life?!” So, Rabbi Yannai went over to this man and asked him to reveal his secret. The peddler told him, “You do not need any special potions. The key to long, happy life is contained in your holy books (the Torah), which state, ‘Who is the man who desires long life… Guard your tongue form evil…“ Rabbi Yannai looked at his friend and told him that he never fully understood the meaning of that passuk until now, and that one who keeps away from speaking badly of others, and stays away from arguments, then he will have a better chance of a long, peaceful, and happier life.

May we all learn the laws of Shimiras HaLashon (proper speech) and merit to have a long, peaceful, and happy life! –Amen!

Stay tuned for next week’s Parsha called, Parshas Acharei Mos!
