Parshas Reay
This Week's D'var Torah Should Give The Nishamah of Yisroel Sender Ben Avrahom In this week’s Parsha there are more then fifty Mitzvos. We are going to learn about some of them. The commonly known mitzvah of Tzedakah is a great mitzvah. While it is a staple in the Jewish community there are still many who push off this mitzvah with the belief that giving Tzedakah is a smaller scale mitzvah, but those people are wrong, this mitzvah has tremendous power; it can bring wealth, remove judgments against us, and many more immense rewards. We learn about the mitzvah for the B’nai Yisroel to destroy the Avodah Zarah (idols) in the land of Israel when they entered, whether the Avodah Zarah was a tree like the Ashairh, or a carved figure it was to be completely destroyed. Next, we learn the commandment involving the Navi Sheker (false profit). Hashem issues warning that a person will stand up and claim that G-d spoke to him, even if he brings predictions that come true or miracles...