Parshas Reay

This Week's D'var Torah Should Give The Nishamah of Yisroel Sender Ben Avrahom

In this week’s Parsha there are more then fifty Mitzvos. We are going to learn about some of them.

The commonly known mitzvah of Tzedakah is a great mitzvah. While it is a staple in the Jewish community there are still many who push off this mitzvah with the belief that giving Tzedakah is a smaller scale mitzvah, but those people are wrong, this mitzvah has tremendous power; it can bring wealth, remove judgments against us, and many more immense rewards.

We learn about the mitzvah for the B’nai Yisroel to destroy the Avodah Zarah (idols) in the land of Israel when they entered, whether the Avodah Zarah was a tree like the Ashairh, or a carved figure it was to be completely destroyed.

Next, we learn the commandment involving the Navi Sheker (false profit). Hashem issues warning that a person will stand up and claim that G-d spoke to him, even if he brings predictions that come true or miracles, we are forbidden to follow him or his words if it directs a Jew away from keeping the Mitzvos or encourages belief in other gods. Hashem explicitly states that he will be testing us in this situation.

The Halachos concerning Kashrus were indeed repeated this week and the laws concerning the proper way to schecht birds and animals are also mentioned. In addition, we are commanded on the Halachos about Navailos, which is a non-kosher animal because of the way it was schechted (slaughtered).

There is a mitzvah called Ma’aser Rishon which is one tenth of a Jew’s grain, wine, or oil and it must be separated for the lavi’im (Levites). This is because the Lavi’im were constantly working in the Bais HaMikdash and had no time to make any form of parnasnah (livelihood) and they were therefore, in great need of support. It even says that one who gives Ma’aser will be blessed from Hashem with riches.

Ma’aser Anni is a form of Ma’aser that is given to the poor every first, second, fourth, and fifth year of the seven year cycle.

Moshe also taught a special type of chesed (kindness). This type of chesed is between one and his Jewish slave. The owner of his slave has a mitzvah to give his slave gifts when he frees him. Because with these gifts the Jewish slave can start a new life.

Another mitzvah is the mitzvah of Shalosh Regalim. This mitzvah is for each Jewish man to travel to the Bais HaMikdash for the three holidays of Pesach, Sukkos, and Shavuos.

Unfortunately, the last four mitzvahs can only be observed when the Bais Hamikdash is standing. We should all merit to witness the nearing arrival of Moshiach and the rebuilding of the third Bais Hamikdash and may we all be able to perform these last few mitzvahs (along with all the rest)! –Amen!

Stay tuned for next week’s Parsha called, Parshas Shoftim!
