Re'eh 2018: Choosing Your Life

Parshas Re’eh 2018
Choosing Your Life

“See this day I have set before you blessing and curse. A blessing if you obey the commandments of the Lord your G-d that I enjoin upon you this day. And a curse, if you do not...” (Deuteronomy 11:26-28)

Moshe continues to verbal prepare the Jewish people for their arrival in the land of Israel. We find he clearly tells them TO observe the commandments and NOT to disobey.

Taking a closer look at the lashon (language) used by Moshe in this very first pasuk (passage) he seems to throw in, “Hayom” (“this day”) he is placing before us blessing and curse. What is the significance of that day in particular that became immortalized in the Torah’s scripture?

In truth, Moshe wasn't speaking about that day. What he was saying was everyday you're alive, everytime you learn this section realize you have a choice between right and wrong; blessing and curse. “This day” is referring to today and everyday. Opportunities for mitzvos arise all the time. Our job is to utilize all those opportunities.

This concept I think, can be taken a step further. LIfe is only as good a you make it. Every morning when you wake up, you have two choices. You can approach the new day with vigor and enthusiasm, or you can kvetch about all of life’s aches and pains. Hashem didn't put us here to observe His Torah with disdain or sadness. On the contrary! He wants us to build a relationship with Him through the Torah and He wants us to live our lives to the fullest! As such, He used the Torah to teach us exactly how to do do that!

As Jews we should have an acute awareness of right and wrong. In Judaism there is no “status quo”. Everytime we choose right (blessing) we are growing closer to Hashem. If we choose not to follow the Torah, we distance ourselves from Hashem (chas v’shalom). One is either growing spiritually or falling.

Moshe Rabbeinu told us to “choose life”, live your best life! Observe the mitzvos, grow, and become the best version of you and while you’re at it, enjoy the beauty that Hashem has infused into His world! When? Today and everyday. Choose beracha and be b’simacha, everytime, everyday!

Have a wonderful Shabbos and weekend!

Maverick V. Peters
אביגדור לייב פיטערס
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