Sukkos 2018: Leaving Your Comfort Zone
Sukkos 2018 Leaving Your Comfort Zone After the high holidays of Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur we have the holiday of Sukkos . Sukkos in the Torah is called “ zman simchaseinu ”, a time of happiness, as there is an extra special mitzvah to be joyous on these days. On Sukkos we construct temporary huts called “ sukkahs ” with four walls and a roof typically made of tree branches or even wood or bamboo. We are required to dwell in the sukkah for the term of the holiday. The sukkahs are to remind us how Hashem protected the people while they travelled for forty years in the desert (either in actual makeshift huts, or with the Clouds of Glory). The sequence of sukkos is set up as follows. There are two days of yom tov in which we are required to dwell in our sukkahs and take the four species ( lulav , esrog , hadasim , and aravos ) while still observing the laws similar to that of Shabbos . Then there are intermediate days called “ chol hamoed ” where one is permi...