Haazinu 2018: Overlooked and Forgotten

Parshas Haazinu 2018
Overlooked and Forgotten

With only fifty two verses, our parsha is not only small, but it’s usually overlooked. Haazinu is always read right after Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur and right before Sukkos. With all the excitement from the holidays one could easily overlook this parsha. Yet, in this parsha Moshe Rabbeinu calls upon the Heaven and Earth to bear witness to all that will befall the B’nai Yisroel if they sin and all the joy that will come with the final redemption if they remain true to Hashem -obviously it behooves us to pay attention to all the details of this week’s parsha.

The parsha is actually a song composed by Moshe Rabbeinu. It’s poetic format makes it quite different to read than any other parsha, especially because the wording is cryptic and it’s content esoteric.

The nature of the song is expressing the complete harmony of Creation. Everything runs ever-so-smoothly without us having to think twice. (Grass doesn't strain to grow, people don't think before they breathe, etc.) The song actually speaks in all three elements of tense; past, present, and future. Interestingly, Moshe Rabbeinu was writing this with nevuah (prophetic vision) and Hashem revealed prophecy to him in the “total reality” with everything revealed.

“My doctrine shall drop as the rain…” (Deuteronomy 32:2)

Rabbi Simcha Bunim of P’shischa equates the words of Torah study to drops of rain. When it rains outside, we can’t necessarily see the benefits provided to the roots, soil, and vegetation. Once the sun shines again, then we see the growth. Same with Torah study. Typically when one utters the holy words he cannot see their impact and all they accomplish here and now. Only after one completes his mission in his lifetime can he see the incredible growth and beauty of all his days studying.

It’s important for us to keep this in mind. Torah study can be vast and endless. The journey one embarks on when setting out to study Torah is great. There are many high and low points. Torah study is usually challenging and difficult. There are countless minute details that completely change around meanings and understandings. Our jobs is to progress through our studies, patiently, thoroughly, and sometimes painstakingly to make sure we understand each detail.

When it comes to learning Torah and fulfilling the mitzvos, we should watch out for the seemingly small details as they may just contain the greatest secrets of the Universe!

Have a wonderful Shabbos and weekend!
                                                                          Maverick V. Peters
אביגדור לייב פיטערס                                                        
