Parshas Chayai Sarah
Hi everyone, I hope this helps you go into your Shabbos more prepared and I hope you learn something new! This week’s Parsha is called Parshas Chaya Sarah (CHAH-YAY SUH-RUH.) The life of Sarah. In an ironic beginning Sarah (Sara) dies at the age of one hundred twenty seven. After Sarah’s death Avraham now wanted to marry off his son Yitzchak (Isaac.) We learn in the passuk that Avraham calls to his servant Eliezer, and tells him to go to the land of Canaan, which was Avraham’s childhood home. A very obvious question could be asked here before learning any further. We know that one of the reasons Avraham moved away from there was because the people worshiped Avodah Zarah (Idolatry,) so why in the world would Avraham want a wife for his son that comes from a place that practices things that he himself despises? I saw a beautiful answer in a sefer called, “Lilmoad U’lamad” written be R’ Mordechai Katz zt”l. He answers like this, Avraham clearly knew all of the bad things about that p...